Volume 4 – 2021

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The paths towards institutionalization
Leandro Rodriguez-Medina

About the cover ilustration for Volume 4
Luis Reyes-Galindo

Hebe Vessuri endowed Chair in Latin American Science, Technology and Society: A Tapuya initiative
Leandro Rodriguez-Medina

The Editorial Team

Original Articles

Centering Hispanic-Serving Institutions´ strategies to develop talent in computing fields
Anne-Marie Núñez, Jessica Rivera, Jennifer Valdez and Victoria Barbosa Olivo

Agroecological innovation construction socionatural order for social transformation: two case studies in Brazil
Les Levidow, Davis Sansolo and Monica Schiavinatto

Digital Nomos and the new world order: towards a theological critique of Slicon Valley
Cristina Andrea Sereni

A multi-scale perspective for assessing publishing circuits in non-hegemonic countries
Fernanda Beigel

Gendered Innovations: integrating sex, gender, and intersectional analysis into science, health & medicine, engineering, and environment
Londa Schiebinger

Connective data: Markov chain models and the datafication of cervical cancer and HPV vaccination in Colombia
Oscar Javier Maldonado Castañeda

The problem of scientific policies in Centra American (1980-2020): the tension between innovation and social cohesion in a global context
Ronny J. Viales-Hurtado, Ronald Sáenz-Leandro and Marco Garita-Mondragón

Recognizing inequalities, transforming structures: design and implementation of a care policy at the University of the Republic, Uruguay
Maria Goñi Mazzitelli

Rethinking sustainable development by following indigenous approaches to community wellbeing
Marisol Campos Navarrete and Asaf Zohar

Evolution of the public understanding of science field based on a bibliometric analysis of two major journals
Luciano Levín and Daniela De Filippo

Doing odontograms and dentists in the classroom. Materiality and affect in dental education
Jorge Alexander Daza-Cardona, Juliana Vargas-Ramírez and María Alejandra Guapacha-Sánchez

Immunology research in Latin American countries: a bibliometric analysis of scientific productivity and collaboration covering the period 2000-2017
Luis Humberto Fabila-Castillo, Ruy Fabila-Monroy and Ana Alejandra Morales-Rodríguez

On the geopolotics of academic publishing: the mislocated centers of scholarly communication
Franciszek Krawczyk and Emanuel Kulczycki

Tláloc: atmospheric knowledge and political epistemology in ancient Mexico
Antonio Arellano-Hernández and Leon Arellano-Lechuga

Book reviews

Black peasants and forest extraction knowledge in the transition to free labor in Latin America
Reinaldo Funes-Monzote

Tecnopolíticas da vigilância: perspectiva da margem
Daniela Albini Pinheiro

Modernity at gunpoint: firearms, politics and culture in Mexico and Central America
Alexis De Greiff A.

Intercultural communication and science and technology studies
Alberto Matenhauer Urbinatti

Geopolitics, culture, and the scientific imaginary in Latin America
Marco P. Vianna Franco

Con los pies en el surco. Instituciones estatales y actores de la ciencia agropecuaria en La Pampa (1958-1983)
Florencia Rodríguez Vázquez

Science & Society in Latin America. Peripherial Modernities
Alexis De Greiff A.

Planetary Mine: Territories of Extraction under Late Capitalism
N. Bucky Stanton

La lucha por los comunes y las alternativas al desarrollo frente al extractivismo: miradas desde las ecología(s) políticas latinoamericanas
Érika Meneses-Granados

Estado y planificación en el lejano sur. Agencias y funcionarios de la Argentina peronista (1944-1955 [State and planning in the far south. Agencies and officials in Peronist Argentina (1994-1955)]
Federico Martocci

3 books + 1
Irina Podgorny

A Brazilian pharmacography. Health, disease and scientific experimentation in biopolitical economies
Jonatan Sacramento and Maria Conceição da Costa

Mujeres de la Comunicacion: a fundamental book in the discipline
Antonieta Mercado

Book symposium

Regeneration of life in the age of capitalism. Other tracks in the native forests of central and southern Chile
Tomás Undurraga, Wladimir Riquelme, Rodolfo Quiroz, Francisca Márquez and Juan Carlos Skewes

Review article

Digital activism and the state
Thomas O’Brien

Thematic cluster: ends in other terms

Ends in other terms: an introduction
Manuel Tironi, Marcelo González-Gálvez and Marisol de la Cadena

Counter-apocalyptic beginnings: cosmoecology for the End of The World
Martin Savransky

Bude uncommon: extractivist endings and the unthinkable politics of conservation in Lafkenche territory
Manuel Tironi, Denisse Vega and Juan Roa Antileo

Pronouns for an apocalyptic future: asymmetrical terms for a new era
Juno Salazar Parreñas

Worlding the end: A story of colonial and scientific anxieties over beavers’ vitalities in the Castorcene
Mara Dicenta and Gonzalo Correa

Endangered Salares: micro-disasters in Northern Chile
Cristóbal Bonelli and Cristina Dorador

Unfinished extinction and the velocities of capitalist sacrifices in the woodlands of central Chile
Marcelo González Gálvez, Fernanda Gallegos and Valentina Turén

Thematic cluster: justifying gender

Doing postcolonial gender: an approach to justifying rights,resources, and recognition
Siri Lamoureaux and Richard Rottenburg

Curating consent: sexual violence, moral politics and gendered agency in Sudan
Siri Lamoureaux

Gender and climate change as new development tropes of vulnerability for the Global South: essentializing gender discourses in Maasailand, Tanzania
Sara de Wit

Biometric payment and gendered kinds in Ghana
Alena Thiel

Skewing the nation: mobilizing queer citizenship in South Africa
Ernst van der Wal

“Security begins with you”: compulsory heterosexuality, registers of gender and sexuality, and transgender women getting by in Kampala, Uganda
Austin Bryan


Leandro Rodriguez-Medina