Volume 5 – 2022

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A transitional editorial about editorial transition
Leandro Rodriguez-Medina and Vivette García Deister

The Editorial Team

The technology of need: technology of sustainability?
Alexis Mercado, Karencia Córdova and Hebe Vessuri

Literature Review

Social mobilizations and relations of power surrounding the entry of genetic engineered organisms
Marlene Gómez Becerra

Original Articles

Some elements of the regime of managment of irrelevance in science
Fabrício Monteiro Neves

Collaborating as peers or targeted by science diplomacy? The participation of Latin American researchers in the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
Consuelo Uribe-Mallarino

Health and school performance during home insolation at Institución Educativa Privada Prescott in Puno, Perú
Lee Fergusson, Javier Ortiz Cabrejos and Anna Bonshek

Technology and minority language: an Android-based dictionary development for the Lampung language maintenance in Indonesia
Farida Ariyani, Gede Eka Putrawan, Afif Rahman Riyanda, As. Rakhmad Idris, Lisa Misliani and Ryzal Perdana

Care during exceptional times: results of the CUIDAR study on the COVID-19 pandemic in Chile
Sebastián Rojas-Navarro, Francisco Moller-Domínguez, Samanta Alarcón-Arcos, María-Alejandra Energici and Nicolás Schöngut-Grollmus

The mirage of scientific productivity and how woman are left behind: the Colombian case
Camilo López-Aguirre and Diana Farías

The road ahead: narratives and imaginaries of the value of biodiversity in shaping bioeconomy policy in Colombia
Alberto Aparicio

Civilizing mummies: an adventure of technicians in archaeological collections
Felipe Raglianti

The importance of hemispheric perspectives for the environmental humanities: reflections on bilingual digitial environmental justice storytelling
Kristina Lyons and Marilyn Howarth

Seismic noise to public health signal: investigating the effects of pandemic guidance in Mexico
Abril Saldaña-Tejeda, Xyoli Pérez-Campos and Elizabeth Reddy

Technological development and patent analysis: the case of biopharmacy in the world and in Latin American
Alejandro Barragán-Ocaña, Rubén Oliver-Espinoza, María del Pilar Longar-Blanco and Hortensia Gómez-Viquez

A specter is haunting science, the specter of piracy. A case study on the use of illegal routes of access to scientific literature by Argentinean researchers
Mariano Zukerfeld, Santiago Liaudat, María Sol Terlizzi, Carolina Monti and Carolina Unzurrunzaga

Extractivist epistemologies
Linda Martín Alcoff

Trends of the science, technology and innovation in the agri-food sector
Juan Manuel Vargas-Canales, José de Jesús Brambila-Paz, Verónica Pérez-Cerecedo, María Magdalena Rojas-Rojas, María del Carmen López-Reyna, and José Miguel Omaña-Silvestre

Social design, whitening and epistemicide: a Mexican case
Paloma Sanchez and María Eugenia Sanchez

Book Reviews

Within our grasp: childhood malnutrition and the revolution taking place to end it
Janet Rodriguez

Three analyses of Banu Subramaniam´s Holy Science: The Biopolitics of Hindu Nationalism
Souvik Kar, Misria Shaik Ali and Nayeli Urquiza-Haas

Learning and thinking with STS cases: developing attitudes towards technoscience in the classroom
Miguel López-Paleta

Liquid ecologies in Latin American and Carribean art
Alejandro Ponce de León

The right to live in health: medical politics in post-independence Havana
Fatima Elfitouri

Stupid outcomes: the myth of artificial intelligence and the fantasies of machinic objetivity
Javier Guerrero-C

Science and Religion in India: beyond disenchantmet
Robert S. Anderson

Thematic cluster: the politics of data in latin america: towards a terrestrial internet

Towards a Terrestrial Internet: re-imagining digital networks from the ground up
Marcela Suárez Estrada and Sebastián Lehuedé

A terrestrial internet from the quilombos: the transatlantic evolution of baobab from colonial to digital capitalism
Shaozeng Zhang, Mariana Ribeiro Porto and Carolina de Assis Nunes

Territories of data: ontological divergences in the growth of data infrastructure
Sebastián Lehuedé

Terrestrial politics and body-territory: two concepts to make sense of digital of colonialism in Latin America
Márcia M. Tait, Alcides Eduardo dos Reis Peron and Marcela Suárez

Coordinated campaigns on Twitter during the coronavirus health crisis in Mexico
C. A. Piña-García and A. Espinoza

Surveillance and the ecology of frictions in platform urbanism: the case of delivery workers in Santiago de Chile
Martin Tironi and Camila Albornoz

Book Reviews

Finding one´s way in media and AI: metallurgy and mapping
Héctor Ricardo Hernández Galeano

Thematic cluster: document, factualize and commensurate

Factualize and commesurate human rights violations andorganized violence
Oriana Bernasconi and Paola Díaz

Death and disappearance at border crossings: factualization devices and truth(s) accounts
Paola Diaz Lize and Anna Rahel Fischer

Figures and responsibilities in contexts of mass violence: limits and risks of quantification in transitional justice in Colombia
Andrés Fernando Suarez

The number of disappearance: trajectories in the tally of victims of forced disappearance in Latin America
Oriana Bernasconi, Jefferson Jaramillo and Marisol López

Neoconservative camouflage: The datafication of abortion debates in Ecuador
María Elissa Torres Carrasco

Cartography of the Chilean exile in Baden-Württemberg The Story of the solidarity network
María Verónica Troncoso Guzman and Francisca Ugarte

Measuring incommesurability: compensations in judicial processes by oil spills in Northern Peruvian Amazon
Maria Eugenia Ulfe Young and Roxana Vergara

Book Reviews

Technologies of human rights representation
Fredy Mora Gámez

The emergence of the archive
Eva Muzzopappa

Thematic cluster: african-latin american social studies of the production of knowledge

South Atlantic science and technology studies: histories and practices
Breny Mendoza and Sandra Harding

South-to-South dialogues between Brazilian and Kenyan Artivists: decolonial and intersectional feminist perspectives
Andrea Medrado, Isabella Rega, and Monique Paulla

Lélia talks about Lélia: a tribute to Lélia Gonzalez
Ana Gretel Echazú Böschemeier, Carine de Jesus Santos, Giovana A. Tempesta and Rosamaria Giatti

Book reviews

Afro-descendancies in Latin America
Claudia Magallanes-Blanco

Pnesar sembrando / sembar pensando con el Abuelo Zenón
Josué R. López

Degrees of mixture, degrees of freedom: genomics, multiculturalism, and race in Latin America
Saudi Garcia

Thematic Cluster: Citizen Science

Citizen science in Latin American and the Global South, Part1
Julieta Piña Romero, Luis Reyes-Galindo and Arturo Vallejo Novoa

Citizen science towards the regulation of medical cannabis in Argentina
Óscar Aguilar, María Cecilia Díaz and Lucía Romero

The EXPLORA model of citizen science at schools: design and implementation in the intercultural south of Chile
Camilo Gouet Hiriart, Daniela Salazar Rodríguez, Wladimir Riquelme Maulén, Alejandra Rojo Almarza and Daniel Opazo Bunster

What roles do civil society organizations play in monitoring and reviewing the Sustainable Development Goals? An exploration of cases from Ecuador, Colombia and Argentina
Cristina Espinosa and Gabriela Rangel

Adoption knowledge: a citizen-scientific use of FamilySearch to understand Peruvian adoption
Jessaca Leinaweaver and Milagros Caroline Forrester


Leandro Rodriguez-Medina